What is YOUR Offering Today?

“You bring the offering, and God will bring the fire.”

I have no idea where I picked up that quote, but it fell out of my mouth as I spoke with a young man about being dedicated daily to the creative process so that God can bring power through it.

Uninspired and Unconsumed

We were talking specifically about his poetry, rap, and spoken word writing. He is a gifted poet with so much to say, but if he doesn’t write it down it won’t ever be heard and it won’t transform anyone. Don’t wait for inspiration, put in the perspiration and it will LEAD to inspiration! Start (and finish) something and then God can light it up! Do nothing and nothing happens. This translates into so many areas of life. If we put in the time and effort, God will bring the increase. If we sit back and wait for inspiration or motivation, there is nothing for God to bless. We may end up waiting a lifetime.

Starting to get the picture?

Getting Our Hands Dirty

Elijah’s showdown on Mt. Carmel with the priests and prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18) would never have ended in a heavenly BBQ if Elijah failed to show up to the showdown. In faith Elijah went into hostile territory, then laid his bull on the altar in front of all to see. He put himself out there. Then God came through with the heat.

Where there is no faith, there is no fire.

Christine Caine and her husband Nick became increasingly aware of the human trafficking and sex trade industries. They realized that there was not enough being done to help people enslaved in this industry. They were grieved. Someone needed to take action! They decided that they needed to be the ones to do something. So they started an organization called A21 that supports prevention through education and awareness. In the last 10 years, they have expanded to 11 nations around the world.

They brought their offering. Now God is bringing the fire.

Your Turn

What is your offering today? What is it that God has been gently (or even not so gently) been prodding you to do? It might be a book, a podcast or an article. Maybe you need to step out and start a business, a project or a volunteer position. Or you just need to turn off Netflix so you can turn on the passion deep within.

Whatever you do, choose to do something. Take a risk, step out of the comfortable. Growth never happens in the comfortable. But pressing into hard work, sweat, uncertainty and even a bit of fear is the stuff of legend. It’s a beautiful offering.

Now God can bring the fire.