
There are times in our life when something happens “out of the blue” that sideswipes us, taking us by surprise and forever altering our course. This event was the loss of my wife Sheri in a car accident we had in December of 2001. In an instant my life, and that of her family and friends, changed forever. 

It was at this point that the world went very dark for me and I entered into a grief journey that seemed to have no rhyme or reason. One day I would be ok, and the next I would be a train wreck. Nothing brought me lasting happiness. Through much prayer, therapy, distraction in the form of starting graduate studies, and the encouragement of good friends I was able to make it through to the other side of grief towards joy. 

I never had a difficult time letting people know about my experiences of grief, but when I sensed God wanted me to write a book about it I kept putting it off. Even though I am a communicator at the core, whether on Sundays in one of our three services, or in staff meetings, blogs, weekly emails etc, the thought of writing a book always scared me to death. It seems so permanent to put my thoughts on paper. I mean, people can now critique my work for years. Plus, I reasoned that no one would care to hear my story, and certainly no one would be helped by delving deep into my story. So I put it off for years.


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However, obedience to the plans of God are more important than my self-preservation and ego. So with he encouragement of my wife Melissa I began the arduous process of writing my story. Several months later “Sideswiped: Three Keys to a Fresh Start after Suffering a Broken Heart” became a reality.

Each week someone lets me know that they have read the book and it has helped them in their own grief or to be a genuine friend to someone else who is going through deep waters. Right now I’m working on another book, but for now, Sideswiped is what I have to offer.


Jim Cantelon

Rev. James Cantelon

Founder and President of Visionledd, Television Host of Jim Cantelon Today

When it comes to heart-wrenching bereavement, and the agonizing climb from the dark night of the soul to newness of life, Michael Voll speaks with authority and compassion. "Sideswiped" grips the reader from page one. It especially touched me in that my own daughter lost her husband in a tragic accident in Africa a few years ago. The book grabs your heart and ultimately inspires with hope. A must read for the broken-hearted.

David Wells

Rev. David Wells

General Superintendent, The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

“In Sideswiped, my friend and colleague, Michael Voll provides us a selfless gift as he allows us into the depths of what he experienced when his wife, Sheri tragically passed away in 2001. The depth of emotion and pathos, the vital role of others, the stages of the journey including the dark night of the soul and the rootedness of an abiding faith are all key elements that Mike openly shares. His insight into beginning a new relationship as he tells his and Melissa’s story is very enlightening. The honesty and wisdom in Sideswiped will prove of immense worth to those who walk a similar path or those called alongside of family and friends in their darkest hours.”