Make a Fresh Start Every Moment

There is something special about a fresh start, blank slate (what is a slate?), or cleaned desk.

The weight of ‘once was’ is behind us and the potential of ‘what could be’ awaits us. Humans are creative, and we naturally want to better ourselves. That’s why we make New Year’s resolutions each year, either informally in casual conversation, or sketched out in detail in a Moleskine notebook (the way I roll). Here’s my take on fresh starts.

Every day is new.

Two Words that Will Transform your Life

There are very few sure-fire ways that you can guarantee to improve your life and leadership. But believe me when I say that these two words will be the high-octane fuel you need to go further, faster. These words? Thank you.

I know, you wonder how I can be so naïve to think that a simple “thank you” will be the key to personal transformation? But it is! Hear me out!

I Challenge You to Grow!

Stagnant, tired, outdated, irrelevant. These indictments are a death toll to today’s leader. So how can we avoid the trap of losing touch, the worst nightmare of a leader? Tackle something big. The only way we grow is when we get pushed out of our comfort zones and force ourselves (or get forced) to do …