Make a Fresh Start Every Moment

There is something special about a fresh start, blank slate (what is a slate?), or cleaned desk.

The weight of ‘once was’ is behind us and the potential of ‘what could be’ awaits us. Humans are creative, and we naturally want to better ourselves. That’s why we make New Year’s resolutions each year, either informally in casual conversation, or sketched out in detail in a Moleskine notebook (the way I roll). Here’s my take on fresh starts.

Every day is new.

3 Steps to Filter Out the Noise

Do you get exhausted with all the voices vying for your attention everyday? I do! We tune in to some, and tune out the rest. But there is still an underlying ‘white noise’ that clouds our ability to discern what is important and what should end up in the trash.

As a communicator, I need to clearly hear what is vital so I have something life-changing to pass on to my audience.

So, how do I make sure that my message is worth listening to? ie. How do I filter out the noise?