I Challenge You to Grow!

Stagnant, tired, outdated, irrelevant. These indictments are a death toll to today’s leader. So how can we avoid the trap of losing touch, the worst nightmare of a leader? Tackle something big. The only way we grow is when we get pushed out of our comfort zones and force ourselves (or get forced) to do …

Over the Hill?

Do you feel old? Perhaps you think your best years are behind you? When I was a kid, forty seemed like a lifetime away. Forty years old. Wow. That was old. I went to a few birthday parties for friends’ parents where plastic pink flamingos were strategically placed on front lawns, helium balloons proclaimed ‘over …

Breaking News

I generally like to listen to talk radio or peruse news articles online before work while I eat my breakfast. It’s a routine I have become familiar with. I like to be “in the know” on current events around the world. But I have taken a break from the news for now. I can’t take …

The Blame Game

“I take full responsibility. I’ll own this mess” These aren’t words we hear a lot, are they? Most of the times when things go wrong in a relationship, at work, on a school project our natural tendency is to say, “It was their fault.” At the most we might own a sliver of the blame, …

How To Beat Writer’s Block and Get Into the Zone (Part 1)

When it comes to writing, the most feared and dreaded malady an author can come down with is “writer’s block.” This affliction will inevitably come up in conversation when writer’s gather to discuss, followed by knowing nods and head shaking cringes. If a writer happens to be on a roll they likely avoid any talk …

Int’l Sideswiped Day

  December 1st is the 14 year anniversary since my wife Sheri was tragically killed in a car accident. From this point forward, each December 1st will be “International Sideswipe Day.” It will be a time when I encourage you to share your story of loss, pain or disappointment in an effort to show the …